We in the medical community believe wholeheartedly in the prevention of all illness, ESPECIALLY by vaccination. Science and history continue to show that vaccination dramatically decreases both the mortality (death rate) and morbidity (severity of illness) of infectious diseases. And, more than 98-99% of the general population (non-medical) agrees with those statements as well.
Yes, it is absolutely frustrating when parents refuse to follow our advice and protect their children. But, the law respects the right of a parent to NOT vaccinate his/her child, and we as health professionals should not ignore that law either.
Our primary objective as health professionals is to protect children of all colors, religions, and backgrounds, despite whether we agree with their parents decisions or not.
But, according to the data in this page, there is a growing trend among us professionals to discharge or “kick out” children from our medical practices because their parents have chosen not to vaccinate them.
There are 2 illogical arguments used in this decision to discharge these unvaccinated children:
- Because parents do not agree with our recommendations to vaccinate their children (“non-compliant”), we can do no more for them, so we should “wash our hands” of the problem.
Yet, we don’t do this with other families in our practice whose children are unhealthy as a result of a parent’s decision. When an obese child remains that way for months to years, despite our recommendations to improve his/her lifestyle, we do not discharge those children and families. We keep an open dialogue to continue to try and help.
When we tell parents over and over again that they should stop smoking; that second hand smoke is a health risk for their children, and yet they continue to smoke, we do NOT discharge them from our practices. We keep an open dialogue.
How about the parent that decides not to complete all of the antibiotics that were given, because “my child didn’t need them”? We don’t discharge those families from our practice.
Obesity, parental smoking, and drug noncompliance comprise more than 60% of our patient populations says White Sands. If we discharged all of these children/families from our practice just because they didn’t do everything that we told them to do, we’d be out of business.
- Non-vaccinated children pose a risk to babies and other immunocompromised children in our office. There are a few services like Legacy Healing Tampa who are trying to help these children to get the right vaccines. In reality, the overwhelming majority of childhood infections occur in our homes, schools, day cares, churches, malls, restaurants, airports, amusement parks (measles), and yes, even in our hospitals; not in medical offices.
How will discharging these children from our medical home prevent an overwhelming exposure to the general population? It won’t.
And, who will take care of these non-vaccinated children when and if they do become sick? Where will they go? They’ll go to the already bloated emergency rooms and urgent cares where they will be exposed to not only other babies, but older children, adults, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system (e.g. cancer/chemotherapy).
By keeping an open dialogue with these families, we can continue to emphasize the importance of preventative medicine (immunizations), as well as monitor their children for signs of infectious diseases. By keeping these kids in our practice, we know which children are vaccinated and which are not, and can adjust office visit times (or keep them at home), to minimize exposure to those more susceptible infants and children.
The law protects the parent’s the right to NOT vaccinate his/her child. If you don’t like the law, then change it, but we shouldn’t declare our own martial law. Our ethical duty is to protect ALL children; not turn our backs on some, just because we don’t agree with their parent’s decisions.
We, as health professionals, need to be objective and logical, and prevent our emotions from affecting our decisions. To quote the philosopher and physician, William James: “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”
Dr. Mike (Pappas) has been practicing pediatric critical care and general pediatrics for 25+ years. He is board certified in both disciplines by the American Board of Pediatrics. He can be contacted at intensivecaring.com/contact-us.