How do I know if my child has measles?
Measles cases are on the increase this year. They are HIGHLY infectious.
There have been 129 measles cases thus far, with the most (58) in California.
According to the AAP. “95% (122 cases) were associated with international travel, including 34 infected travelers who brought the disease into the United States. Eight of the 34 direct importations were among unvaccinated children ages 6 to 15 months. Most of these children were unvaccinated because of missed opportunities, but a few of their parents chose not to vaccinate them.”
What does Measles look like?
Measles has been referred to as the 3 “Cs” — cough, coryza (stuffy/runny nose) and conjunctivitis (pinkeye), AND a classic rash known as Koplik spots (irregularly-shaped, bright red spots often with a bluish-white central dot on the inside cheeks, by the 1st and 2nd molar), which is followed 2-3 days later by a red pimply rash that begins on the face and neck and spreads out to the arms and legs.
High risk groups include infants less than 1 year of age, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals. Theses groups may benefit from a shot of Immune globulin (IG).
Measles has been confused with a “viral illness”. If Measles is confirmed, the local health department needs to be notified immediately.
According to the AAP “Although MMR vaccine is highly effective (about 94% to 99% for two doses) at preventing measles, vaccine failures may occur, and this risk may be related to the intensity of exposure.”